Safety CollaGuide is safe and doesn't induce inflammation or provoke rejection because it is manufactured with highly refined type latelo-collagen derived from a porcine skin. It is manufactured with medical grade collagen in accordance with international quality standards.
Convenience With it's bioabsorbable characteristics, secondary surgery for removing membrane is unnecessary, which reduces burden imposed on both patients and medical operators. For it's outstanding tensile strength and flexibility, handling is much easier.
Excellence Ideal bilayer structure with collagen film layer blocking bacteria/foreign material and collagen sponge layer inducing easy tissue regeneration duides rapid bone regeneration. It lasts from 3 to 5 months, thus provides enough recovery period.
Competitiveness We offer reasonable price and purchase conditions for consumer rights.
2. Structure of ColaGuide Just like a blood vessel, Syncera's macropores and micropores spread inside and outside the bone graft material.