Product Specification
Brand | alfa |
Shelf Life | 24 month |
Storage Method | dry place |
Storage Temperature | 20 |
Net Weight: (kg/g) | 20 |
Packaging Type | Bags |
Certification | HACCP,ISO |
Product Descriptions
our Egyptian company Alfa herbs company for export.
We have a long experience in the field of Processing herbs and spices.
We are confident not only in the quality of our herbal products and competitive prices, but also the ethics involved with their preparation and handling.
our products:
Basil,Parsley,Dill,Thyme,,Rosemary, sage,oregano, Marjoram ,Chamomile , calendula,Hibiscus,Lemongrass, spearmint,peppermint, ,Anise, Caraway, Coriander, Fennel, Sesame, Fenugreek, Nigella, Moloukhia,Golden onion
We are looking forward to building co-operative business relationships with your esteemed company.
please feel free to contact us for any information
Best wishes
Mohamed abdellatif
marketing manager
Alfa Herbs company for export
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 201146014405/ 201141150888/ Skype: alfaherbs
شركة الفا هيربس لتصدير العشاب والنباتات الطبية والعطرية من مصر
منتجاتنا : البابونج شيح - الريحان - البردقوش - الشمر - الكراوية - اليانسون - الشبت - والبقدونس - والنعناع - الزعتر - المرمرية - الاورجانو - الحلبة - الكركدية - الكزبرة - الكرفس -- اليمون المجفف - المولوخية - البصل - التمر -