The AD2055 combines 100% discrete, pure class A signal amplifiers with state-of- the-art passive and active filter topologies. The AD2055's unique circuitry delivers very high resolution transient detail at the operational extremes of real world equalization demands. The AD2055 auto-bias DC servo loop control eliminates the need for all interstage capacitor coupling. The AD2055 breathes life into all musical performances!
Pure Class A, 100% discrete design
Smooth musical detail and sonic excellence
Minimum audio signal path
Dual mono operation
Transparent active and passive filter design
High headroom +30dB Very low noise -94dB
Fully balanced inputs and outputs
DC coupled, no transformers in audio path
Switched frequencies in high and low bands
Mid bands use X10 frequency for extended range
Wide bandwidth -3dB 1Hz to 450kHz
Low distortion less than 0.5% THD and IMD
All signal routing with sealed silver relays Conductive plastic potentiometers for low noise
External 150W toroidal power supply 100% discrete power supplies for audio path