DULAS AG is a high quality polymer-rich SBS modified bituminous torch-on membrane with a reinforcement core of tough glass fiber, used as a capping layer in waterproofing system. The DULAS range belongs to the Elastoproof group of membranes produced using a special grade of bitumen modified with virgin SBS polymer. The polymer-rich mixture is used to saturate and coat both sides of the glass fiber mat to the required thickness of the membranes. The top surface of the membrane is laminated with a high quality aluminum foil, which protects the membrane from weathering, UV rays and the bottom surface covered by torchable polyethylene foil.
Good tensile strength.
High heat resistant.
Excellent rot and corrosion resistance.
Outstanding dimensional stability.
High tear resistance.
Excellent resistance against mechanical perforation.
High resistance to thermal shock.
Easy application even at cold temperature conditions.
Highly resistant to dilute chemicals.
Absolute impermeability to water
DULAS AG membranes conform and exceed the requirements of ASTM, UEAtc and other relevant international standards.