The versatile, automated GeneXpert® Infinity System delivers a complete all - in-one molecular diagnostics system to your healthcare institution - a complete on-demand, robotic, molecular lab with an unparalleled user interface. Fast. Flexible. Smart.
Fully Automated, Robotic Cartridge Handling Up to 2,074 test results in a mere 24 hour period. Less than 52 minutes time to first result. Less than 2 minutes sample prep time per test. With results like these, clinical healthcare is not only more efficient, it is also more effective. The GeneXpert Infinity System delivers rapid, actionable results to clinicians, fostering a seamless workflow to assist healthcare professionals make more informed patient care decisions.
Fully Integrated The Infinity System has smart technology built-in - a fluid master scheduler that prioritizes test runs that meet your always dynamic workflow needs. Smart alerts that keep you informed, enabling walk-away capabilities. Bi-directional connectivity with your LIS and HIS networks, providing seamless communications flow of all incoming and outgoing test orders and results.
Backed by a Growing Pipeline All this is supported by a comprehensive biologics development pipeline that will continue to grow over time, enabling an array of high medical value-add tests being performed simultaneously in one system.