»Filter ULPA efficient 99.999% @ 0.1 micron for tube size Ø22 mm and Ø10 mm
»Filter lifetime: 20 hours. Filter change will be indicated at the unit.
»Four-stage and RFID-equipped filter.
»Long filter life, 20 hours activation time.
»Two ports for common filter sizes.
»No need for prefilters or adapters.
»For most purposes, reducing cost per procedure.
»Ultra quiet operation will assist in providing a safe operating environment without disruption.
»Operate with a Iconic Electro surgical , foot pedal switches , or Remote Switch Activator with obtional 7 second delay (After stopping the operator command)
Auto-Sense RFID Technology
»Automatically tracks and records filter life.Turbo Mode
»Significantly increases the airflow to quickly remove smoke plume from the surgical site.