Product Descriptions
Reciprocating One file system.
M-Phase Ni-Ti wire tech.
Reserve more dentine.
Special reciprocating thread design.
Enhanced resistant to the cyclic fatigue.
Guidelines for use
Explore the canal by using #10, or #15 stainless steel handfiles.
Irrigate, the expanding a glide path by Path File #19.
In the presence of an irrigating, initiate shapingprocedures M3-ONE file.
Since most canals are between 9 and 15mm in length, use agentle inward motion, with short 1-2mm amplitude strokes, until it does noteasily progress anymore.
It is important to withdraw the primary M3-ONE file every3mm to remove the debris and inspect its cutting flutes. Irrigate, recapitulatewith a #15 K file and irrigate again.
Repeat steps 4 and 5, two to three times until finalworking length has been achieved with the M3-ONE file.
Methods for confirming the finished shape may include:
Check if the apical flutes of the file are loaded withdentin. Irrigate, recapitulate with a #15 K file and re-irrigate.
Gauge the size of the foramen with an ISOhand file that has the same diameter as the #25 M3-ONE file carried to workinglength.
If the gauging hand file is snug at length,the preparation is finished.
If the gauging file is loose at length,generally use a larger size M3-ONE file to finish the preparation.