mattteo is producer of his own ISO 6040 modular transport and storage system for healthcare. The name of our system is MODUL-iT. It's a global, high quality logistic system, that is applicable in all departments of the hospital. MODUL-iT is 100% modular, space-saving, ergonomic, hygienic and very cost friendly. It is also complementary with our RFID solutions i-ROOM and i-CAB, so you can get information in realtime from any department in the hospital.
The IOSS software manages this realtime information and organises the logistic in the most efficient way. MODUL-iT together with the i-ROOM and the i-CAB, improve the intralogistics of the hospital which results in productivity gain and reduction of costs. On the level of the departments, head nurses can choose in a wide range of MODUL-iT products the ones that are the best adapted to their internal organisation and their department lay-out. MODUL-iT simplifies the logistic
proceduresandreduces significantly the time that nurses are spending on logistics so they can spend more time to their core: taking care of the patiënts.