Food and beverages production lines
Health & Beauty
Industrial & Construction
Auto & Auto Parts
Packaging & Advertising
Laptops & Computers
Lights & Lighting
Apparels, Textiles & Accessories
Mobile Phones & Tablets
Sports & Outdoor
Toys & Hobbies
Home, Garden & Office
Safety & Security
Safe and secure payments using Abraa safe trade systems
Characteristics & Properties
▶ Use to remove efflorescence, rust and other stains
from surfaces.
▶ Removes all grout residues and heavy duty stains.
▶ Removes cement and mortar residues.▶ All-in-one descaler and detergent contains high
concentrations of surfactants.※ Not for use on glossy or prepolished marble or on
acid-sensitive materials (ex. black slate)
▶ Storage temperature : Between 5℃ and 30℃
Must be applied to material at temperature between
5℃ and 30℃
Field of Use
▶ Terracotta, Porcelain tiles, Glazed ceramic tiles,
Acid-resistant stone surfaces
▶ 12 bottles of 1L, 4 bottles of 4L
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