PTFE Envelope Gasket is made of PTFE wrapping flexible core material by professional equipment. It is mainly used on the sealing gasket of the flange, pagoda groove and all kinds of themachinery equipment. It is also used on highly corrosive liquid, such as strongacid, halogen or no contaminative food stuff, medicine. It has outstanding corrosion resistance and is suitable for majority of chemical material,especially the toxicity, strong acid, strong alkaline and strongly corrosive medium. It is applicative to chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food industries (With the exception of molten alkali and high temperature fluoride).
V type: V type is the most commonly used and one of most economicalgaskets. It is suitable for various applications, with the exception ofcorrosive fluids and the requirements of thicker embedded material.
Square type: Applicable to the production of thicker embedded materialsand corrosive fluids, liquid residual in the inner diameter of the flange canbe reduced.
U type: Applicable to toxic chemicals and the production oflarge diameter gaskets.