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    Fully synthetic engine oil formulated from PAO-added VHVI base oil using high performance additive technology. Kixx PAO C3 meets the requirements of current advandced standards of API SN and ACEA C3 and is highly recommended for diesel passenger cars with DPF. It is engineered to provide outstanding engine protection ensuring longer engine life.


    • Diesel engines (equipped with DPF, Diesel Particulate Filter) in passenger cars
    • Passenger cars where the manufacturers recommend ACEA C3 spec oils PERFORMANCE STANDARDS • ACEA C3-12 (the latest ACEA specification)
    • BMW LL-04, MB229.31/229.51, VW502.00 / 505.01
    • API SN CUSTOMER BENEFITS • High performance fully synthetic engine oil made from PAO and very high viscosity index(VHVI) base oil
    • Meets the latest ACEA C3 specification and exceeds global car OEM requirements
    • Prevents engine's camshaft wear
    • Prolongs engine's life with exceptional anti-oxidation stability

    Buyer Name : Claude Bampigire
    Buyer From :  Rwanda Rwanda
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